American roulette is the variation of roulette with a double zero on the wheel. The American roulette wheel has a total of 38 divisions alternately coloured in red and black. There are numbers 0 to 36 and an additional double zero. The double zero in American roulette wheel increases the house edge in comparison to French and European roulette. Here you will learn how to play American roulette, get tips to help you beat American roulette and the differences between American, French and European Roulette.
You can also play American roulette for fee online at the best online roulette sites that we recommend.
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American Roulette
American roulette is a type of roulette game with an extra double zero pocket in the wheel. While other online roulette games have only one zero on the wheel American roulette has a zero and a double zero in green. In total the American roulette wheel has 38 numbers. All the best are standard roulette bets. The bets are also written on the roulette table in English. The additional double zero, increases the house edge, despite that it is still immensely popular with players at the best Australian online casinos.
Play American Roulette Online
How to Play American Roulette Online
Playing American Roulette is easy and there are loads of betting options. The aim of the game is to correctly guess where the small white ball on the wheel will land after the wheel stops spinning. Players can bet on a number, a group of numbers and colours. When you play roulette online you start by choosing the game and then making a real money deposit.
- There are casino chips with different monetary values on screen, choose how much you are betting by selecting one of the casino chips.
- On the table, click on the bet type you want.
- Click to get the wheel spinning.
- Once the wheel stops spinning and you win, the winnings are immediately credited to your balance.
More Online Roulette Guides
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Practice how to play American Roulette for free with no download and no registration!
American Roulette Wheel and Table Layout
The American roulette wheel’s most distinguishing feature is the “00” green pocket. Because the wheel has a single “0” and “00” it has increased house edge. The American roulette table has all the numbers on the wheel and all the bets that you can make. In a casino the croupier moves your chips to the section on table matching the bet you request. But when you play online you simply click the section the table with the bet that you want, and your chips appear there.
American Roulette Bets
American Roulette has all the standard roulette bets. Players have the choice to make standard inside and outside bets. The only special bet in American Roulette is the “Row” bet, that is a bet on the “0” and “00”.
Inside Bets
- Inside bets are bets on numbers that are on the middle or inside central section of the table.
- Straight Up – a bet on any single number including the zeros that pays out 35 to 1
- Corner – betting on 4 numbers that converge at the corner of the roulette table that pays out 8 to 1
- Split – a bet on any two numbers adjacent to each other on the table that pays out 17 to 1
- Street – that is, a bet on three numbers that forma horizontal line on the table pays out 11 to 1
- Five Bet – a bet on 0,00,1,2 and 3 combined that pays 6 to 1
- Line Bet – a bet on two rows of three numbers that pays out 5 to 1
Outside bets
Outside bets are bets that lie on the outer sections of the table. (Refer to the table image).
- Row Bet – a bet on both zero pockets that pays out 17 to 1.
- Colour bet – bet on red, black, or green and get an even money pay out when you win.
- Column – betting on any single column of numbers on the table
- Dozen – betting on a group of twelve numbers you can bet on the first dozen (1 to 12), second dozen (13 to 24) and third dozen (25 to 36).
- Odd or Even – bet on whether the winning number is an even or odd number.
- Low/High – betting on whether the winning number is a low (1 to 18) or high number (19 to 36).
Tips on How to Beat Americana Roulette
While American Roulette has increased house edge there are strategies and tips you can use to increase your odds of winning.
- Instead of betting on a single number bet on a group of numbers, for instance betting on 5 numbers and including the 0 and 00 will improve your chances of landing a winning bet.
- Strike a balance by choosing bets with good odds and high pay-outs like line bets, corner and street
- Keep track of winning numbers and try them out on your next bets
American Roulette FAQs
What is an American roulette wheel?
An American Roulette wheel is a roulette wheel with a single zero and a double zero on the wheel.
Can you bet green in American Roulette?
Yes, you can bet green in American Roulette by placing a row bet, which is a bet on both zeros.
How do you beat American roulette?
Beat American Roulette by choosing bets like the Five bet and Six-line, street and corner bets that have a higher pay out than even money and lower house edge than straight up bets.
Are all American roulette wheels the same?
All American roulette wheels are the same, all the numbers are in the same non-consecutive order with the single zero and double zero on either side of the wheel.
How do u play American roulette?
Bets are placed first before the wheel spins, you can choose any of the standard roulette bets.